Thank You to our Blue & Gold Sponsors
Please consider visiting these businesses who are helping to support Chamblee High School and the community!
Please consider visiting these businesses who are helping to support Chamblee High School and the community!
Thank you to those who have donated to the Blue & Gold Foundation to support CHS this year. Did you know that many companies will match donations made by their employees to 501c3 charitable organizations such as the Blue & Gold Foundation? Matching gifts can double or triple your contribution to help benefit CHS. If you’ve donated to the Blue & Gold Foundation, check with your employer to see if they match, or for more information on matching gifts, please contact
Let the Blue & Gold know and we’ll help get the news out for you. We also offer one or more representatives to help “work your reunion”. We will sell alumni tshirts. We can also offer tours of the new school during your reunion weekend as well.
Contact us at to make arrangements.
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