Hall of Fame 2016
Mark Banta, Class of 1977
- President and Chief Executive Officer, Piedmont Park Conservancy, 2014 – present
- General Manager, Centennial Olympic Park, 1996 – 2012
- Instrumental in establishing Centennial Olympic Park as the centerpiece of the Olympics and a beloved Atlanta attraction
- Initiated free community events at Centennial Olympic Park; Music@noon, Wednesday Winddown Concert Series. Saturday Family Fun days
- President, Woodell Rogers Park Foundation, Dallas Texas,2012 –2013
- S., Agriculture and Industrial Technology – Berry College
- Chamblee High School: Football, Wrestling, Track and Field
Penny Bubenheim, Former FacultyEducator for 31 years
- English Teacher, Chamblee High School, 1972 – 2000
- Chairman, English Department
- Chamhian Yearbook Dedication, 1998
- Voted by her colleagues as Most Dependable, 1997
- Writing Across the Curriculum Coordinator, Language Arts Lab Coordinator, Computer Writing Center Coordinator
- Sponsor of Junior Class, Junior Varsity Drill Team, and Literary Digest
- A., English – West Georgia College; M.Ed., English – Georgia State University
Marc Gorlin, Class of 1991
- Business Entrepreneur
- Founder and CEO, Roadie, Inc., “On the Way” delivery network
- Marketing Award of Excellence, presented by Georgia State University, 2016
- Founder, Kabbage, Financial Technology Company
- University of Georgia Alumni award for the fastest – growing company owned by a UGA alumni, 2015
- Co–Founder and Chairman, Lanta Technology Group
- Co–Founder, Vertical One Company and Pretty Good Privacy Company
- A., Journalism – University of Georgia (magna cum laude)
- Chamblee High School: Chamhian Yearbook – Editor, National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, Tennis
Marti Macon – Gee, Former Faculty
- Educator for 43 years
- Reading and SAT Specialist at Chamblee Charter High School, 2000 – 2015
- Director, DeKalb County School SAT/ACT workshops
- Chamblee Charter High School Teacher of the Year, 2003
- Stone Mountain High School Teacher of the Year, 1993
- Started Chamblee Charter High School’s first SAT reading class and implemented the SAT word of the day
- Sponsor, Christians in Action
- Trusted friend and guide to countless students, teachers and parents
- A, English and History – Brooklyn College (magna cum laude); M.A., Reading Specialization – Kean University
Aaliyah Shafiq, Class of 1996 
- Senior Brand Manager, Gold Peak Tea, The Coca – Cola Company, 2014 – present
- Brand Manager, The Coca – Cola Company, 2010 – 2011
- Senior Associate Marketing Manager, General Mills, 2007 – 2009
- Captain, Harvard University Cheerleading Squad
- Accepted the National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award from President Bill Clinton on behalf of Chamblee High School, 1996
- A., German Cultural Studies – Harvard University (magna cum laude); MBA – Harvard Business School
- Chamblee High School: Cheerleading (Captain), Concert and Marching Band, Track, National Honor Society (President), Keyettes, Nia Umoja (Co-Founder), Student Government
Dottie Drummond Smith, Class of 1957 
- Business Entrepreneur and Philanthropist
- Co-Founder, Classic Laboratories, Inc., manufactured and marketed worldwide beauty products.
- Created the first brush–on nail lengthening product
- Co–Founder and Chief Executive Officer of seven Apparel, Wigs and Nail Salons/Stores
- Co–Founder, Executive Director, “Santa For Seniors”, gifts for needy Seniors in greater Atlanta area, 2000 – present.
- Children’s Health Care of Atlanta’s Women of Style and Substance Award for Contributions to Community, 2016
- Senior General Partner, Pierce Oil Company – Chamblee’s oldest business
- Chamblee High School: Football and Basketball Cheerleader (Co-Captain), Senior Superlative, Glee Club, Operetta, Drama Club, Varsity Club
Business Champion: Frosty Caboose
Lifetime Volunteer Award: Fran Memberg
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