Hall of Fame 2010
Everette Bray, Class of 1925 
- Credited with choosing CHS colors: Blue and Gold
- Masterminded frst lighted athletic field at CHS
- Started Chamblee’s sandlot baseball programs
David Carr, Class of 1993 
- Drummer, Christian Rock Band, Third Day
- 4 Grammy Awards
- Inducted into the Georgia Music HaIl of Fame
J. Antonio Delcampo, Class of 1987 
- State Court Judge, DeKalb County
- First Hispanic State Court Judge
- 2000 Lawyer of the Year, LaVision de Georgia
Heather Elliott, Class of 1986
- Former Law Clerk to U.S Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg;
- Former Law Clerk to U.S Court of Appeals, the Honorable Merrick B Garland
- Law Professor at the University of Alabama
- Valedictorian, CHS Class of 1986
James “Butch” Lumpkin, Class of 1979
- US Professional Tennis Association Instructor
- President’s Award Winner
- Featured on Golf Channel, CNN, CBN and Golf in America
- Independant Pro of the Year, Georgia
Joy Singleton, Faculty
- English and Spanish Teacher, 25 years
- Chairman, English Department
- Teacher of the Year, 1993
- Star Teacher, 1984 and 1989
- Sponsor of the Keyettes
Carl E “Eddie” Rains, Faculty
- Physical Education teacher, 25 years
- Coached football, soccer, cross country, baseball, basketball
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes sponsor
- Chairman of Physical Education department
- Senior Class Sponsor